I was a bit hasty when I said on radio that I thought Mercury going retrograde was also a great time to re-think, re-calibrate and re-create yourself. I had maybe forgotten how tricky it is to work with technology as the retrograde appears.
This morning has been fraught with what seems like sticky buttons and poor mouse control? Is it me? I kinda hope it is, because we’ll be in retrograde for a little over a month all things considered.
Here are the details of Mercury’s transit this month:-
- Heading into Retrograde – July 24th, 2017 – August 11 2017
- Retrograde – August 12 to September 5, 2017 – 5th September 2017
- Heading out of Retrograde – 6th September – 19th September 2017
For those of you who know your chart, Mercury retrograde starts at 11 degrees Virgo and reverses back to 28 degrees Leo. Watch out if it’s your birthday between 20th August to 5th September because this could affect you more acutely.
Brightside though – if you want to re-programme your mind. Now is the time to do it! Enjoy x
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I think I woke up to astro, too, about age 12. We did not get “adequate” astrology programs until the 1990’s (Chartwheels II was my first really “good” one.) and anything like modern astrology software until after the turn of the century (2000). Great blog! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Grandtrines. I really appreciate your encouragement. This blog develops in fits and starts as I’ve got a couple of wee kids and am a stay at home mum. It’s tricky wanting to write so much and not being able to (teething infant!).
Yes things have got significantly easier with good programs. I’m wanting to invest in one at the moment but not sure which. I can do pretty much everything I’m interested in on Astro.com and Serennu.com. Really what I want is to be able to create a good visual chart (with the potential of asteroids) so that I can put the charts into my blogs. Can you think of a good (inexpensive) one to buy please? What do you use?
SolarFire is probably most popular, but I think it is $300. You might consider a basic version of Winstar (Matrix) or Halloran. http://www.halloran.com or http://www.astrologysoftware.com/pro/winstar/index.aspx or alabe.com for Solar Fire. Kepler (and its successor whose name I cannot recall) is also good: http://www.astrosoftware.com A number of free ones can be found here: https://www.soulhealing.com/freeastrologysoftware.htm
Thanks GT x
Hope that helped. Many tools out there, and if you are strapped for cash, you can start with the free ones. But do keep in mind that, if you spend enough time on this, some of the more expensive tools (such as SolarFire) have tools that you cannot find for free. (Keep me posted; if you start blogging astrology then let me know so I can reblog your work out to a larger audience.)
Thanks again for your ideas GT. Solarfire is the one that I like the look of……I’ve liked it for ages, but just kept stopping myself at the last minute. I’m now in a position to work a couple of hours a day, so will probably start blogging and writing more articles. I sitll havne’t had a chance to check out your site properly, but very happy to share any good articles (and on facebook too). It’s sometimes easier sharing other people’s work than our own haha.
I view myself as primarily a curator of work these days, although sometimes I write a piece here and there. Let me know how you like SF when you get it.