Had a lovely surprise yesterday when I opened my email – a message of thanks from a listener to my podcast. (I’ve had over a 1000 in a month!) This is the second message of encouragement in just over a month, and I’m so grateful.
It gave me the great opportunity to write back and see what each of my new followers would like to hear more of from me.
And that’s when it hit me. I’ve never asked you, have I?
Like N-E-V-E-R ever!
Not in the 5 or so years I’ve been posting. And no doubt I’ve lost a few of you along the way. Am feeling quite silly. That’s poor behaviour from someone who’s livelihood is based on word of mouth and who works on line. Apologies!
Turning over a new leaf now, and taking my head out of the sand, I had a look at how many people had visited yesterday and where they were from.
I can see that I had 54 visitors to my blog from all over the world. (Mainly from the UK) and boy was I surprised to see my next biggest demographic was from China, then North America, Australia, and then Central Europe.
Hi / Nǐ hǎo / Hey / G’day / Ola / Salut / Hola /Hoi / Hallo
So I’m asking you now. What do you like about my blogs? What would you like to see more of? How useful has it been? And would you recommend it to anyone? Tell me more about who you are – I’d love to know more. For every person who takes the time to say Hi and answer my questions, I offer you a 20% discount from a 90 minute reading.
And just because I love the 80s and because I can, here’s some vintage Howard Jones ‘Like to get to know you well’
“Hi Louisa
If you’d like to be kept up to date about any transits that might affect you and your individual birthchart, then you might let me add you to my database. Simply click here and fill in the online form. If I see any big planetary transits coming your way, I can send you a private email and give you a heads up!